ricky & chucho


⚽ Roy Hodgson retiring

I've always had a fondness for "Woy the Boy" (so called for his lisp), and have long thought of him as the quintessential English "Gaffer". Supporting this view of him is a story I heard today on the Totally Football Show - that while managing Stavanger in frigid Norway, old Roy would still wear shorts with high-socks on the sideline, and forced his assistants to do likewise. All this while the other managers donned thick boots and insulated pants. Another (caricature-ish) view on Roy is as the perfect gentleman abroad - a good lens for his time at Internazionale in Milan. He also speaks five languages including Swedish. Huzzah for Roy and a dazzling career!

🐧 Summer of Linux in sleepy Doug, AK

Over here on the island, down by the beach, we are embarking on a summer of learning Linux! Specifically - I will be studying systems programming (system calls, glibc) and the kernel. Recently I completed Linux From Scratch and parts of Beyond Linux From Scratch (networking interfaces setup). One interesting part was compiling the kernel with support for the Realtek 8822 wireless NIC in my little HP Stream cheap-O notebook. But for kernel stuff right now we are reading in Understanding the Linux Kernel about memory paging. For systems stuff at the higher level I'm into the random access to files functions (lseek, pread, pwrite), and also now into multiplexed-I/O (select, poll, epoll). Good Times!